Our church is now accepting online donations through

GiveCentral, our new safe, secure, and paperless way to make your contributions. GiveCentral was designed specifically for Catholic organizations and hundreds of parishes have found success. The site allows you to make one-time or recurring payments on a schedule that works best for you, using any credit card or debit card, or electronic (ACH) bank withdrawal.

We believe that having flexible giving options will make it easier for you to support our church. Please visit GiveCentral and take a few minutes to set up your contributions. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated!



Simply text the word SUNDAY to our text to give number

(718) 550-6615 to easily set up your donation from your cell phone.


1. Click below to visit our EXPRESS GIVING page.

There, you can easily set up a Sunday or Easter donation, or both.

That’s it! Either way you choose to donate, you will receive an email from support@givecentral.org confirming every gift. If you save a donor profile you’ll also receive a GiveCentral Welcome Email with you login credentials, but you can also choose to give as a guest.

Email Debbie McCrorie at dmccrorie@strobertsbayside.org or call the rectory at (718) 229-6465 for questions or assistance